dimanche 23 janvier 2022

Les Frères Bouchnak - Salou Ala Elhadi

Les Frères Bouchnak - Salou Ala Elhadi

The Bouchnak brothers are nicknamed the rai knights. They are four: Hamid, Omar, Mohamed and Reda, were born in Oujda, and come from a family of artists.
In 1983, the Bouchnak brothers recorded their first song entitled "Jennouni". This song allowed them to win the first prize in the "Adoua El Madina" contest. After having had a great success, they integrated in their music of "Malhoun" and poetry. They have become famous and famous in the Arab and Western world, especially in the Netherlands where they have many fans.
In 1992, the Bouchnak brothers recorded another song entitled "Ana Ghadi". With an original music style, they conquered Moroccan youth with songs like "Hya hya", "Raï", "Sidi Yahia", "Farhatna zina" and many others. In 1996, they participated in the Eurovision with the song "Aynou Hara". Shortly after, the Bouchnak brothers separated, Hamid and Reda emigrated to France and released two albums including the songs "Marocan rock" and "Bentennass". Meanwhile, Omar and Mohammed opened their studio and recorded for local artists, such as the famous Nass El Ghiwane group.
Hamid, the youngest and the voice of the group, has been able to impose his name among the best known singers in the Arab world since 1995. In the same year, he recorded the songs "Rahet liyyam", and 1996 "Ya Bent Ennas", "Laâfou Ya moulana". He won MCM's Best Francophone Song Award for the performance of "We Do not Remain a Hope" sung as a popular melody. After a three-year absence, Hamid had French nationality and made a shattering comeback with his album "Moussem" which was a great success. In 2004, With this album, Hamid marks a turning point in his career: new professional coaching, new look and new developments on stage.
Currently, he has released an album entitled "Hamid" including several songs like "Tikchbila", "Riht lblad".


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