Cheb Hasni - Jamais Nensa passé (1993)
Une k7
rare de Hasni, sortie chez l’édition Sallam (la k7 sera réédité chez l’édition
Anwar ). Cet album est bien fait dans le style raï sentimental de l’époque.
Dans le titre « Mouhal Nasber Ala Weldi » il chante sa propre vie quand il a été obligé
de se séparé de son fils après que sa femme a quitté le domicile conjugal. Je
crois c'est ça sa force : il a su transmettre ses craintes, ses angoisses,sa
joie, ses sentiments à travers son art et c’est pour cette raison que hasni
reste jusqu’à aujourd’hui adulé .
A rare album from Hasni, released by the Sallam
edition (the k7 will be reissued at the Anwar edition). This album is well done
in the raï sentimental style of the time. In the title "Mouhal Nasber Ala
Weldi" he sings his own life when he was forced to separate from his son
after his wife left the marital home. I believe this is his strength: he has
transmitted his fears, his anxieties, his joy, his feelings through his art,
and for this reason that people still remember hasni until today and adulated
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