jeudi 4 juillet 2019

Gnawa Diffusion ‎– Bab El Oued Kingston (1999)

                                     Gnawa Diffusion ‎– Bab El Oued Kingston (1999)

Bab El Oued Kingston est une K7 du groupe Gnawa Diffusion sortie en 1999 chez l’édition Belda diffusion. 
Gnawa Diffusion est un groupe algérien de musique gnaoua algérienne créé le 27 juin 1992 à Grenoble, autour d'Amazigh Kateb, fils de l'écrivain algérien Kateb Yacine.
 Gnawa Diffusion est le mélange de musiques traditionnelles du Maghreb (chaâbi, gnawa, raï) et de reggae, de punk, de rock et de hip-hop sur des textes ironiques, critiques ou humoristiques d'Amazigh Kateb, écrites en arabe algérien, en français et en anglais.

                                                      Bab El Oued Kingston


Today i publish the gnawa diffusion’s K7 “Bab El Oued Kingston” released in 1999 on the Belda Diffusion Label.
Gnawa Diffusion is an Algerian Gnawa music band based in Grenoble, France.[1] The group's lead singer, Amazigh (literally meaning 'Free Man' in Tamazight), is the son of the Algerian writer and poet Kateb Yacine. Although there is a strong Gnawa influence, the band is noted for its mix of reggae and roots music. Gnawa Diffusion is very popular in Algeria and is also well known in many other countries including Morocco, Tunisia and France. The band's lyrics are in Algerian Arabic, Tamazight, French and English. Gnawa Diffusion started their career in 1993 with the release of the album Légitime différence.
The lead singer's lyrics are often controversial. Themes range from discussions of poverty in Algeria or corruption in government to denunciations of global military actions and perceived imperialism. Nevertheless, in spite of a strong political direction, this band also has numbers which focus on self-determination and improvement.

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